The WFLO Consortium conducted a feasibility study for FreezeLink 3PL LIMITED using the U.S. Trade and Development Agency funds for the cold chain logistics network in Ghana.
Project Location: Tema, Ghana
Client: Lixcap/ Global Cold Chain alliance
WACAMS prepared a Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment as detailed in the Terms of Reference below
- Provide an Environmental Analysis: a preliminary review of the Project’s anticipated impact on the environment with reference to Ghanaian requirements and the requirements by multilateral lending agencies.
- Identify potential adverse environmental impacts and discuss how those impacts can be mitigated
- Develop plans for a full environmental impact assessment based on local requirements when the Project moves forward to the implementation stage
- Recommend the steps that need to be undertaken by FreezeLink after the Study’s completion and during the Project’s implementation to mitigate environmental impact.
- Address the environmental influences and the potential environmental impact the cold storage facility site identified in “Task 5: Refrigerated Engineering Design and Analysis” for the design and building engineering package will have on the local areas, including site general soil and surrounding area condition (e.g., natural and man-made potential environmental risks, presence of hazardous waste, etc.); impact on any site or structure of historic or prehistoric importance; impact on the local community’s sources of energy supply; the disruptions to the local community during construction and ongoing operation of the Project (e.g., existing transportation systems); potential noise and emission issues due to back-up generators, product handling equipment, and increased tractor-trailer or truck activity caused by product movement to and from the facility(s); required physical changes to the proposed sites; and planning and zoning constraints
- Gauge the likelihood of public controversy due to the Project’s potential impact on the local environment.
- Examine daily life, natural, and historical/cultural environmental factors in the Preliminary Environmental Impact Analysis.
- Review the necessary steps to address environmental issues during the planning and implementation phases of the Project.
- Assess the opportunities and drawbacks for using natural refrigerants (ammonia or carbon dioxide) and hydrofluorocarbons or HFC refrigerants in the Project.